Some friends convinced me to put this page of poems here.
They're nothing fancy.. just a few random thoughts of mine. :)
Some have titles and some I just numbered. Hope you like them.
Our Journey
Several years have passed since the day
When you and I first began this journey.
There were times when that the path was easy to follow
And there were those when the road seemed too rocky.
We have shared days filled with suns warmth
and we have endured many cold stormy nights.
We have had seasons that were bountiful
And some that were barren, with no rain in sight.
We have climbed mountains others thought too high
And sometimes we stumbled and fell on flat desert ground.
There have been people to enourage us along the way
While others deliberately tried to hold us down.
Love, our journey has not yet come to an end.
We have many more years to look forward to.
Although new challenges will arise again and again
Beside each other, hand in hand, we’ll make it through.
I will always love you!
Copyright 1998© Divanta All
Rights Reserved
Close Your Eyes
Close your eyes Lady, and go to sleep.
No more will you feel the pain of Love.
Dream your final dream but do not weep.
Sweet Death welcomes you from above!
Close your eyes Lady, and be at peace.
No more will tears fill your sad eyes.
The masquerade you call life will now cease.
Let others believe Loves hurtful lies!
Close your eyes Lady, and take your last breath
No more will you need love to make things right.
The arms that now embrace you belong to Death.
The loneliness that consumes you ends this night!
Close your eyes Lady, just close your eyes!
Copyright 1998© Divanta All
Rights Reserved
Living Alone
Growing older and finding it hard to be alone.
Our children are growing and soon will be gone.
I still dream of the life we once shared
And I ask myself, 'What did we do wrong?'
I find myself staring off to some far distant place
Searching for answers that are unknown to me.
Wondering if I will ever hold you close again
Or if this lonliness is my only true destiny.
The tears that flow are fresh upon my cheek
As the hours continue to slowly pass me by.
The feelings that you once felt for me are gone.
I know there is no turning back for you and I.
Copyright 1998© Divanta All
Rights Reserved
Nothing Left
An old photograph and a dying memory.
That is all that is left of you and I.
Just another chapter in a sad story.
Another fading star in the sky.
The tears no longer streak my face.
Your laughter I can barely remember.
I don’t crave you warm embrace.
I have no dreams of our life together.
Copyright 1998© Divanta All
Rights Reserved
Just Leave..
Just turn and walk away from me.
I won’t ask you to stay by my side.
Do not look into my eyes or you will see,
The pain that I’m trying hard to hide.
If you see me walking down the street.
Do not stop and ask me how I’ve been.
For I know the day that we do meet
My tears will start all over again.
Copyright 1998© Divanta All
Rights Reserved
The world loves to see her when she arrives
Dressed in the richest red, orange and gold.
She brings with her a look of sorrow in her eyes.
As she leaves, in comes winters bitter cold.
Copyright 1998© Divanta All
Rights Reserved

Some how I lost the border on this table.. any clues??
Any suggestions would be appreciated! **S**
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